Over the years being associated with JantaKhoj, has led me to believe that employment verification is the area that yields the maximum discrepancy. Of course, this belief of mine is based on the data we see every day here at work.
Overall, in the verification industry the background verification discrepancy % had an alarming increase of 48% over the previous year. You read it right! In the financial year 2016 the verification discrepancy % was pegged at 10.29%. In the financial year 2017 we saw it go up to a whopping 15.21%. This enormous increase of 48% over the previous year is worrisome.
It’s a cruel competitive market out there, is what candidates say! True that! Some say there has been a shrinkage in job opportunities, well, I say, there has been an increase in candidates fudging their employment data and details to leverage their probabilities of securing the position/job they desire.
Here are the employment discrepancy statistics over the years. Clearly showing a rise in the employment discrepancy percentage!
2016 – 15.9%
2017 – 35.8%
2018 YTD – 69%
Let’s break it down further for us to have a clear understanding. Mentioned below is the employment discrepancy data for August’17 to August’18.
Aug’17 28.60%
Sept’17 18.20%
Oct’17 0%
Nov’17 16.70%
Dec’17 50%
Jan’18 87.50%
Feb’18 100%
Mar’18 76.90%
Apr’18 62.50%
May’18 100%
June’18 50%
July’18 70%
Aug’18 100%
What’s startling here, is that in the past one year there are not one but three months that have seen the employment component hog 100% of the pie in the verification chart. Three months clearly have the employment verification% as 100%.
Employers and hiring managers have to embrace the fact that self-investigation and analysis isn’t going to yield the desired results. The verification process is not as simple as you may think it to be. Rogue candidates are following a multi-pronged approach to deceitfulness! Mentioned below are the data they fiddle and fudge about their employment:-
• They list fraudulent degrees
• They conveniently alter employment dates
• State inaccurate job descriptions
• Inflate their salaries
• Mention wrong job titles
So when the applicants and candidates are getting innovative, so should we. Let’s step up in this game of cat and mouse, of constant pursuit of lies, deceit and trickery. My piece of advice to all hiring managers, if you haven’t already signed up with a professional background verification agency. I advise you to immediately do so.
To read more on employment verification and discrepancy, please look up our blog – Lying your way to a new job has gotten tougher!
Like I always say – Prevention is better than cure! With that thought, I shall pen up.