How would you spell a phase of economic slowdown, reduced industrial activity, financial crunches, negative growth rates, business cycle contraction, a general global fiscal decline and increased unemployment!

Recession or Re-session??

Many would say – of course, recession! Right!

Well, I would spell it as ‘RE-SESSION’.

There are many who make money in recessionary time, there are many who re-establish themselves as a leader in the troubled times, there are many who prove the point – I am!!

We all know that smooth sea doesn’t make a skillful sailor and so is true with all of us. Tough time gives us an opportunity to look within the leader, we are! Rocky water forces us to look carefully at the other side! Troubled time opens many new opportunities, outlooks and objectives.

You are leader of none; one, hundred, thousand or more, need is to take a re-session!!

Recession or Recession

Reenergize yourself as you can succeed in any situation if you have that unmatched energy. So re-energize yourself, get that zeal to win and trust that you can!

Rethink about the current situation, take time to study the situation and analyze the possible outcomes and then traversing the fresh route to success. Not only you but everyone else is in the same boat. Team work can do wonders, think together, work together and be together. Speak to your colleagues, mentors, junior, senior, client or customer! Together think of possible plans! The best way to have a good plan is to have a lot of plans. Break through the thick cloud of uncertainty and look for the road with sunshine!

Reaccelerate your plan of action! Be aware of where you are heading, keep a sharp eye on the outcome and various other changes affecting you and your business. Change to plan B if the decided plan is not working. Do not hesitate and do not stop.

Renovate yourself. There is no end to learning. It is equally important to keep ourselves abreast with the current fast moving world and up to date our knowledge base. Learn new skills – technical and personal. Look within and find the hidden leader in you. Collect yourself and shine in the crowd. Be visible. Irrespective of your designation, lead the way. Be active. Communicate with all. Find a new you! Refurbish yourself.

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going! Time is difficult because we think it is. You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Be the USP of your team, your company. Be that fierce leader which everyone looks up to in the troubled times. Be vigilant and be on your own guard. With re-session, recession-proof yourself!!


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